Four Simple Words_A Badass and the Billionaires Contemporary Romance by Mary J. Williams

Four Simple Words_A Badass and the Billionaires Contemporary Romance by Mary J. Williams

Author:Mary J. Williams [Williams, Mary J.]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Brook Publications
Published: 2018-09-25T16:00:00+00:00



DESTRY HIT THE punching bag with expert timing. Her fists, arms, and shoulders worked in perfect rhythm as she concentrated on keeping the beat fast and consistent. She didn't give herself a time limit or count her punches; she worked until her muscles sang. The exercise was one of her favorites and kept her upper body toned and limber.

One last burst and she dropped her hands to her sides, flexing her fingers. She removed the gloves, tossing them onto the bench. Taking a towel from her bag, she wiped the sweat from her face and arms.

"Smiling? Really?" Bryce groaned as she soldiered through a final set of lat pull-downs. "I don't know which annoys me most. The definition of your biceps or the fact you actually enjoy putting your body through what amounts to daily organized torture."

The health club was half full, not bad for a scant hour after sunrise. Destry already warmed up from a five-mile run, felt like some company and who better than one of her sisters. Since Calder spent the night with Adam out on Long Island at his mother's place, and Andi was in Montreal to premiere her latest ready-to-wear line in Canada, Bryce—lucky girl—was her choice by default.

"You need a change of attitude." Destry tossed her sister a bottle of water. Opening her own, she chuckled when Bryce stuck out her tongue. "Very mature. You can grumble all you like. And still, you thank me every swimsuit season."

Destry was the hardcore athlete in the family. However, her sisters liked to stay in shape because, as she reminded them, their bodies were machines. The food they ate was the fuel, exercise, the necessary maintenance.

She shook her head in defeat when Bryce used her teeth to rip open an Almond Joy.

"Candy defeats the purpose," Destry pointed out. "I brought power bars because I knew you and your endless appetite would never last until breakfast. At least pretend to eat nutritious until my back is turned."

"You talk a big game, little sister. But you hate those healthy snacks as much as I do." Bryce bit into the chocolate-covered coconut and sighed. She took another bar from her bag. "You know you want one."

Snickers—Destry's favorite. She held out for a full twenty seconds before she snatched the empty calories from a laughing Bryce.

"Do I know you, or do I know you?"

"After a lifetime living so close, you should" Saliva pooled in Destry's mouth. When peanuts and nougat hit her taste buds, she sank to the ground next to Bryce, sighing with pleasure. "Yum. Almost as good as an orgasm."

"I used to think so—B.Z."

"Before Zach?" Destry chuckled. Her sister loved her food, but she loved her fiancé more. "Sorry I dragged you away from him and your warm bed."

"No, you aren't." Bryce licked the last of the chocolate from her fingers. "Zach's an early riser in the best possible way—if you know what I mean. He gave me my favorite morning treat a good hour before you knocked on our bedroom door.


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